Monday, July 13, 2009

Jeez Louise, please stop with the angry emails. I’m back

Ok, so many of my readers may have noticed that I took an extended hiatus from writing this blog (not to worry, my acerbic wit did not rust in the interim, I did some ghosting for my friends’ blogs). I have skipped commentary on our new President because there is simply nothing I could write that would less than a glowing praise of his accomplishments to date and what I believe he will do. I firmly believe that without the government’s intervention in the economy, we would have been well over 10% unemployment back in February. I am also inclined to believe that we are slowly digging our way OUT of the economic sinkhole that the previous administration helped foster and that within the year, we will be fully emerged into the bright light of economic healing. I even believe that if President Obama continues on at this current clicking rate, he is certain to gain re-election in 2012. Optimistic, yes. Psychic, no. However, even old blind Bartimaeus could tell you that he cannot see the Republicans putting a viable candidate up against President Obama in 2012. What platform are they going to run on? Family values are out, the man has a brilliant, compassionate helpmeet who has charmed the world, two of the most well-mannered and cutie-pie daughters and a matriarch IN THE WHITE HOUSE who acts as an anchor to the family. Umm, no. So, let’s see., what else do they have in their arsenal? Gun control? Recent school shooting and murder-suicides related to the economy make that a shaky platform. Abortion? Yes, always a hot button topic, but it is the law of the land, so that argument needs to be left at the judiciary level because politicians are just that - politicians. They can suggest laws, but once a law is on the books, it is up to the judiciary to reinterpret it. So, that is out. Death penalty. No. Gay rights? They better not because they will then alienate one of the few groups that are still with them (ironic, I know, right). That leaves them with the economy. And, unfortunately by the time the election cycle comes around again, the economy will have rebounded by its own natural course or by economic intervention.

Just as an aside, let me tell you, I am a little biased. I went to the White House’s Ode to Spoken Word back in May and it ROCKED! James Earl Jones was enough to make me gush (dude could read the alphabet to me and I would be in love), but add Lin Manuel Miranda (who did a hip hop soliloquy as Raymond Burr, the buster who killed Alexander Hamilton) and Alex Lacamoire (who is such a cutie that I officially have a crush on him) from In the Heights fame, Mayda del Valle and her abuela (who I spent 10 minutes talking to while we tried to untangle Mayda’s necklace -- and if you’re reading this I still want it!), Ayelet Waldman and her husband Michael Chabon…I could go on and on, but y’all get the point. It was awesome. So, in my humble opinion, the President and First Family can do no wrong. Sorry, not buying it and if it were free, I still would not take it.

Back on topic, I am back and this season, I will endeavor to bring the wit and the humor. Just as an aside, please google my friend’s blogsite, Polichicks. She is wonderfully witty and hosts the best talks in town.

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