Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Alright, I know that Michael Steele is a seemingly nice enough guy. However, is he really the person to be in charge of the Republican Party? And, does he have any ideas of his own? It would seem that after his tumultuous election victory, he has been hemmed up at every turn by those who wield the REAL power in the party. It amazes that as the GOP cries that they desire diversity and change, they make Steele look like a ineffective, powerless dunce (well, that may not be entirely their fault), posture about how the President is going to fast to get healthcare to the masses (isn't he an evil b@stard trying to make sure people don't die because they can't afford to see a doctor in an overburdened and overpriced healthcare system...sheesh, what was he thinking...I digress) and then (because they do not have filibuster power) attempt to hold Judge Sotomayor's confirmation in committee so that they can leave for their August break without voting on her, thereby ensuring that the first 5-7 cases the SCOTUS hears will be heard without her vote (convenient how they are hot button issues for the Republicans). I do not know how many of you have healthcare, however, for those without, this IS A HOT BUTTON issue. It is the difference between life and death. I just wish the Republicans would consider that and at least try not to look like the party of No. If Mr. Steele really cares about changing his party and bringing some diversity, maybe he should talk to some people of color and see what matters to us and stop mouthing the words of the ventriloquist with his hand up his...

READ: Healthcare for Dummies by Washington Post opinion writer Dana Milbank

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