Thursday, September 18, 2008

What do you mean? There are Christian Democrats...

In case I failed to tell all of you, I went to a conservative law school. Correction, not just conservative, but a Christian conservative law school awarded me my law degree. My time there was valuable, not just for the legal knowledge, but for the sharing of ideas and ideals. While I am what most would consider a liberal (women's rights advocate, environmentalist, conservationist), I am still a Christian. I place Christ above all and firmly believe that man has immutable rights that cannot be taken away.

Now, I know some of you may say, what do you mean "women's rights?" Well, let me just be clear for you, I believe that women are man's equal. That is why God took woman from man's side, so that she could walk beside him, not behind him, below him, in front of him or above him. And, I believe that there are some decisions that belong to women, and women alone. But, I digress on that point.

I am more than a little saddened and appalled that there are some who believe that if you are a Christian, you can only be a Republican. I don't understand this and I never will. I believe that as long as we have a two party system, we must all work together to try to get this thing we call democracy right, regardless of our personal political leanings. Perhaps that is what has gotten us to this morass we are in right now, partisanship. Maybe we should no longer care whether we are from a Red or Blue state or if we are conservative or liberal and focus on doing the right thing for our country and for our future. Hmm, that doing what's right sounds really Christian...

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